Sample Digital Projects
Description: Twenty (or so) media-rich assignments collected here so that others can explore these assignments and approaches. Digital interventions into all pedagogical areas of English studies are not likely to abate in the near future (See: Berger, CCCC, Cope and Kalantzis, Gee, George, Graff, Kress, NCTE, Selfe, Sirc, Wysocki). Perhaps that is why collections like Technological Ecologies and Sustainability, seem so timely (DeVoss, McKee, & Selfe, 2009). We need to take opportunities to think carefully about sustainable media-rich pedagogies. Take the time to interact virtually with a substantial number of teachers and students who have worked through and reflected on media assignments. There are comments at the top of each assignment page.
link to a large sample of digital projects:
Two Readings about Digital Pedagogy
from Liz Clark (La Guardia Community College)
1) “The Digital Imperative: Making the Case for a 21st-Century Pedagogy” by J. Elizabeth Clark. LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York
Abstract: In our nascent digital culture, the traditional essayistic literacy that still dominates composition classes is outmoded and needs to be replaced by an intentional pedagogy of digital rhetoric which emphasizes the civic importance of education, the cultural and social imperative of “the now,” and the “cultural software” that engages students in the interactivity, collaboration, ownership, authority, and malleability of texts. My readings of Yancey, Balkin, Vaidhyanathan, Lanham, and Gee have enabled me to reconfigure my composition classroom as an emerging space for digital rhetoric. Through the calculated and sequenced introduction of ePortfolios, digital stories, on line games, Second Life, and blogs, all of which create a new digital infrastructure for my course and assignments, I am working to create a set of practices that work together to explore the ways in which writing instruction can change to meet a new digital imperative; as such, I attempt to use technology in my courses to re-create the contemporary worlds of writing that our students encounter everyday.
Read the whole article:
2) “New Worlds of Errors and Expectations: Basic Writers and Digital Assumptions” by Marisa A. Klages and J. Elizabeth Clark
Abstract: This article examines the challenges of teaching basic writing today as stu- dents come to the classroom with the basic fluency of digital natives but have the same need for learning writing and critical thinking skills that has traditionally marked basic writers. While most basic writers are adept at accessing information digitally, they are not as proficient when it comes to producing digital information, nor are they able to code switch between informal cyber-situations and the expectations of academic and professional cyber-literacy. They also need to deepen their understanding of the role writing can play in developing digital texts. This article addresses how ePortfolios, blogs, and Web 2.0 tools included in basic writing classes at LaGuardia Community College help students to become effective users of digital media and learn how to write for a multimodal environment.
Read the whole article:
Video: “Everything is a Remix”
Description: Using short videos can be an excellent way to introduce ideas and approaches to students or to generate discussion around a new subject. These examples are about sampling/remixing and this could apply to a lesson on creativity, writing, and revision. These could be used as homework writing promps and as a way to teach how students can do good analytical reflective writing. But they are also good examples of “digital texts,” examples of the kind of work that our students might eventually produce.
About: Everything is a Remix is produced by Kirby Ferguson, a US-based filmmaker. Ferguson has spoken at TED, SXSW, The Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Google, Netflix, the GEL Conference, Creative Mornings NYC, The Cusp Conference, Media Evolution, The Creators Project, Campus Party Mexico City, Columbia University, NYU and more. This site is a companion piece to the four-part video series.
WIKI Projects
Description: This project, done in a high school writing class, shows the power of collaborative writing assignments using digital forums. Added bonus: good stuff on fallacies.
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